Product Description
Poli Grappa began in 1898 as the hobby of one GioBatta Poli, a straw hat maker, a flourishing trade in those days, but his true passion was Grappa. He built a small still, put it up on a small cart and used to go door to door distilling pomaces – the skins of pressed grape. Giovanni inherited his father’s passion; he built a still by modifying a locomotive steam engine. Toni Poli, proudly rode, like a second Ligabue (an Italian painter), his red Guzzi motorcycle of the fifties ("…in Egypt there were no spare parts and the Eskimos almost killed me!" – he recalled his adventures). In 1956 he modified the original alembic for distillation we still use today. In his hands I saw the Grappa transforming and from a mere chrysalis becoming a magnificent butterfly. He was a very understanding person, too noble to be a successful businessman. It is from him that I learned that in order to win one must make sacrifices. So here I am, born in a still. I do hope I will be able to fill my forefathers’ shoes. Together with my siblings Giampaolo, Barbara and Andrea, I am determined to continue the tradition and to make people understand and appreciate the hard work, the constancy but, above all, that kind of love which is part of a distillate, a total love for our art, for our world, a love without which nothing would be possible.
The grapes used for this special Grappa come from the famous dessert wine “Torcolato” from the wine house Fausto Maculan from Veneto. Because the Vespaiolo, an indigenous grape, and Tocai are harvested late, this Amarosa has many ripe notes of pear but also nutty aromas. The taste is remarkably pure.